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Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Appendix 7




bullet What is the goal of this discussion?
bullet What do you want to achieve?
bullet When do you want to achieve it by?


bullet What is happening now?
bullet Who is involved?
bullet What have you done about this so far
bullet What results did that produce?
bullet What could stop you from fixing this?


bullet What options do you have?
bullet What else could you do?
bullet Would you like another suggestion?
bullet What are the benefits and costs of each?


bullet What are you going to do?
bullet When are you going to do it?
bullet Will this meet your goal?
bullet What barriers or obstacles could you face?
bullet How will you overcome them?


bullet Who needs to know about your plans?
bullet What support do you need?
bullet How will you get that support?
bullet Rate yourself on a 1-10 scale on the chances of you carrying out this action
bullet I would be very interested to hear how you
bullet go with (their next step).
bullet When would you be available for us to get
bullet together to see how things went?

Adapted from John Whitmore, (1993) Coaching for Performance - A Practical Guide to Growing Your Own Skills Pub. Nicholas Bealey Publishing, London. ISBN 1 85788 013 7

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Other Chapters of Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Action Learning
Project Management
Drug Management
Example of a PDP
Workshop Key Components
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7


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Other DrugNet Pages in this Subject Heading

Introduction ] Action Learning ] Project Management ] Drug Management ] Example of a PDP ] Workshop Key Components ] Supports ] Appendix 1 ] Appendix 2 ] Appendix 3 ] Appendix 4 ] Appendix 5 ] Appendix 6 ] [ Appendix 7 ]

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