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Alcohol & Other Drugs National Units of Competency

 The following table of alcohol and other drug units and elements come from the Australian National Training Authority and form part of the Community Services Training Package (Sept, 99).  These are nationally recognised units which can lead to formal qualifications (up to advanced diploma level) in the community services sector. These units are normally presented in TAFE colleges but also relate to nationally accredited courses which may form part of in-service training or used as recognition of prior learning (RPL).

Click here for the Community Services and Health Training Australia website which contains more detail on qualifications, assessment, other specialist and common area units, etc.


Units of Competency
alcohol and Other Drugs Units and Elements
Unit title Elements

Introduction to the alcohol and other drugs sector

  1. Develop knowledge of the alcohol and other drugs sector
  2. Demonstrate commitment to the central philosophies of the alcohol and other drugs sector

Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs sector

  1. Work within the context of the alcohol and other drugs sector
  2. Develop knowledge of the alcohol and other drugs sector
  3. Demonstrate commitment to the central philosophies of the alcohol and other drugs sector

Provide first point of contact for potential clients

  1. Greet and observe client
  2. Collect routine information from the client
  3. Judge priority of need of service
  4. Provide a service

Support people with alcohol and/or other drugs issues

  1. respond to cues
  2. Assist in responding to people's needs
  3. Use self-protection strategies

Provide services to clients with alcohol and/or other drugs issues

  1. assist clients to identify their needs
  2. support clients to meet their needs
  3. Review work with clients

Work with clients who are intoxicated

  1. Provide a service to intoxicated clients
  2. Assist clients with longer term needs
  3. Apply strategies to reduce harm or injury

Provide needle exchange services

  1. Provide needle exchange
  2. Provide education on safer drug use

work with clients who have alcohol and/or other drug issues

  1. Assess the needs and status of client/s
  2. Provide services to meet client needs
  3. Review progress with the client
  4. Refer clients
  5. Evaluate work undertaken with clients

Provide alcohol and/or other drug withdrawal services

  1. Assess needs of clients
  2. Manage withdrawal
  3. Evaluate client withdrawal
  4. assist clients with ongoing harm minimisation

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Related Internet Sites

Addiction Counselling Competencies:
The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitutes of Professional Practice

Addiction Technology Transfer Centers
National Curriculum Committee

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Community Services and Health Training Australia

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