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Self-help Manuals & Materials

The majority of drug users successfully change without any formal interventions. Well selected material presented at the right time may help facilitate this self-change.

The following sites identify self-change material across all stages of change.

Self-help material is useful for those with reasonable literacy skills and who are motivated to use the material.

This information is mostly used as a key component of brief interventions. They not only support the intervention but are also useful as a clinical guide for workers. Most processes contained in these resources can be generalised to other drugs and behaviours (although specific drug-related information should be used for clients).

A range of web-site and hard copy resources are presented. Access details are given, however, for more information, please contact ADIS (08) 9442 5000, toll free (for WA country callers) 1800 198 024, should further information be required.

Resources in purple with the ** on either side are available from WA Health Promotion Services (08) 9222 2045.




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Booklet: A Users' Guide to Speed

Available from ADIS (08) 9442 5000, toll free (country) 1800 198 024 or purchased from, The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney Ph (02) 9398 9333.

This self help booklet for amphetamine users is a harm reduction resource which also contains strategies for cutting down and quitting. The whole booklet is particularly well written and produced. It's especially helpful for workers wanting more information on dealing with injecting drug use. The five item dependency questionnaire could also be used for a range of other substances (see: Screening Instrument)

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** Booklet: Here's to Your Health - Drinksafe Guide **

As above but more comprehensive. This booklet is based on behavioural self-management principles and includes (amongst other features), a practical four week self-monitoring diary.

** Booklets: Drinksafe Women's Manual **
Out of Print - Review in Progress

This self-help manual is even more comprehensive than the above sites. It has a separate supporter's guide and a more portable 10 week diary. This useful reference is a little out of date but easily fixed with the use of a pen.

Ready for Action and Action

Booklet: A Guide to Quitting Marijuana

Available from ADIS (08) 9442 5000, toll free (country) 1800 198024 or purchased from, The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney Ph (02) 9398 9333.

This self-help guide is for those cannabis users who are wanting to stop (i.e. abstinence) using. It takes the reader through making a decision to quit, the process of giving up and staying stopped.

** Booklet and quit accessories: Quit Kit **

As above but in hard copy form. Comes with a range of novel extras such as reminder cards, a quit pledge, money box, etc.

Booklet Series: Getting Through Withdrawal

Available from Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre Inc.

ph (03) 9254 8050 fax 9416 3420

This series includes separate booklets for heroin, methadone, amphetamines and alcohol withdrawal. Each booklet is well-structured into nine sections including:

Decision making

Organising environment and supports for withdrawal

Coping with withdrawal symptoms

Dealing with high-risk situations

Harm reduction information in the event of relapse

Information for supporters and useful contacts.

They are particularly excellent for those wishing to undertake supported, home detoxification. They are also useful for those who want to stop for a short while (i.e. to take a 'drug holiday', to reduce tolerance, or because of external pressures).

Web-site: Rational Recovery

An interesting site which offers an alternative to 12 step programs for a range of addictive behaviours. The site contains a Crash Course on AVRT (Addictive Voice Recognition Technique®) and a series of 28 bullet slides to motivate and restructure thought processes.

This site is useful for those close to taking action (abstinence) as well as to assist those who have taken action to maintain change.

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Web page: Staying Stopped (PDF)

This booklet from the WA Health Dept reflects an "Action to Maintenance" stage aimed at reinforcing changed behaviour.

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